The Parliamentary Review - full colour logo

Ultrasound-Care Scanning is the only scanning company in the UK that has this accreditation. Read all about our achievement here… Featuring exclusive commentary from a range of esteemed politicians and journalists, The Parliamentary Review aims to share the insight of businesses, educators and policymakers alike. Founded with The Rt Hon David Curry as chief editor,…

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Exercise during pregnancy

Having a baby doesn’t mean that you can’t stay active and exercise during pregnancy. Exercising while pregnant can be good for you and your baby. During pregnancy your body undergoes lots of changes that can unfortunately come with a number of common health problems. The good news is that regular exercise can help to relieve…

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Early pregnancy scan - Scan Photo

Throughout your pregnancy, ultrasound baby scans will become incredibly important to you. Not only will your scan be the first time that you will be able to actually see baby, but it is also vital to your medical team in ensuring that both you and baby are healthy throughout the pregnancy. So what is an…

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